Category Archives: Generate

Why, I do not want to work for Google

Let’s make it absolutely clear that if Google were to offer me a creative directorship in Google Inc. I would make the time to take that opportunity. But that is not the point. I’m sure that the readers who read this blog are aware of Google’s dominance in the world. From their e-mail program which I am a user of, to the online document storage, Ad sense, Google  alerts, websites, Chat, scholar, reader, etc. Google rules the online world in a little over 10 years. They’ve come from a simple search engine to worldwide dominance with revenues in the hundreds of billions of pounds. So, while it is not  clear that space aliens might control space, it is clear that  Google controls Internet advertising here on earth.

So, what is the point of this blog post. The question that has been concerning me for the last week. Is this, are all the clever people in the world working at ? That is of course preposterous. So why is it then that there is not even a murmur of competition in the water for Google. Yes, there are other search engines, but can you name them. I am sure for the tech savvy of you that you will remember Lycos were that funny little dog, went off and found things that you were looking for, and for the really the early adopters. There is also Alta vista. But where are they now? Well, I know for a fact that they do not hold any dominance in the market and all honesty that has been the case for quite some time. The last time that I used Alta vista, or as it is better known now Ask Jeeves was when 16 MB was considered an awful lot of memory.

So why is it that nobody can come up with a slightly decent product to compete with Google. To put some facts to this question. Currently, Google has 83% of the market share in on-line advertising of billions of webs pages. I would imagine, that it is probably higher. I cannot really imagine anybody using anything else. ‘Go and Google it’ is often considered a solution for researchers to ones off spring. It is well known that working for Google is a very enjoyable experience (see my other blog post) they provide relaxed rooms, think rooms, fireman’s pole, to name but a few of the innovative ideas. So, if you want your company to be innovative and up with the trends. then presumably you may have to take a different approach. In this point I am referring to UK Ltd.

I’m sure there are very many unhappy people at the moment with the current economic climate and less than inspiring job choice. Britain’s innovation and investment in its people is appalling of course it depends who you compare it too Japan or Morocco. One must ask? When will lessons be learnt? Having purely a service based industry with finance at the centre of it has proved to be very costly. It is not inconceivable that some bright spark could have thought of a slightly more innovative business plan and one that is diverse too.

A key ingredient to Google’s success is their philosophy that work and play go together. By engaging the mind in both areas, you create a workforce with enormous potential. Hey, who knows maybe Britain could produce a decent challenge to Google if we think about it.

Social Media – The Importance of Being Ernest

I came across a really interesting interview today with Reputation management expert Andy Beal which summed up simply how to make the most of online social media. I do not think I could say it better. It has so many benefits establishing a social media policy.

“When a company creates an interactive online profile, it’s effectively telling its stakeholders -customers, investors, employees, etc- that it cares about the community and wants to be a part of the conversation. When an online reputation crisis hits, companies that have an social media profile are more likely to be given the benefit of the doubt and more likely to be able to respond quickly, within that channel.

I advise my clients to look for the “centres of influence.” Where are their stakeholders hanging-out online? When you understand the types of social media your stakeholders are using -maybe they prefer blogs over forums -you’ll increase your chances of successfully engaging them.”

Social media channels that you may find useful for establishing a thriving social network, depending on your market and your niche, include:







What networks would you add to this? Which ones do you enjoy the most?

Integrating Your Network With Linkedkin

Linkedin have just come out with an interesting set of third party applications that help make your profile come more alive. Integration is definitely the key buzz word at the moment. The one that most caught my eye is the company buzz that shows information on your profile page about what other people are saying about you or your company on twitter. Here is some info about the new tools from Linkedkin.

Work collaboratively with your network.

  • Box on LinkedIn: Share files and collaborate with your network.
  • Huddle on LinkedIn: Private workspaces to collaborate with your network on projects.

Share information and keep up to date with your network.

  • Amazon on LinkedIn: Discover what your network is reading.
  • TripIt on LinkedIn: See where your network is traveling.
  • SixApart on LinkedIn: Stay up to date with your network’s latest blog posts.

Present yourself and your work in new ways.

  • Google Docs on LinkedIn: Embed a presentation on your profile.
  • SlideShare on LinkedIn: Share, view and comment on presentations from your network.
  • WordPress on LinkedIn: Promote your blog and latest posts.

Gain key insights that will make you more effective.

  • Company Buzz by LinkedIn: See what people are saying about your company.

click here to take a closer look

Which ones will you be using?

Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki

Every wondered where you can get a complete list web 2.0 performing companies. has put together such a list here

On the other side of coin Business Blog Wire have done 5 Reasons Why Your Business Blog Should Help the Poor

Both give an excellent perspective on business development.

Accenture particular sums up social media very well with this excerpt.

“A weblog is an online, semi-personal journal offering the opinion and commentary of the authors. Our blogs feature thought leadership on a wide range of business issues, with a particular focus on helping companies achieve high performance. Here you’ll also find blogs about emerging technologies and career experiences from select employees. The opinions of the writers do not necessarily reflect the position of Accenture on these subjects.”

Answer: What Can Social Media Do For Me As A Director?

This is the last blog in a series of questions that I asked back in August here:

You can choose to ignore social media, many people do. Old networks are still in place. If you are university professor or an expert in a particular field than why bother. If you have more than enough work too, you could argue that you have no need. While it is true very few deals are closed on the internet. There is one problem, with more and more people using the internet for locating information. They may well ask the queastion, where are you?

The world is changing and ways of doing business are changing too. Already we are starting to see the disappearance of regular telephone lines as more and more information gets assimilate into internet protocols. Media is is not the same anymore, TV and Newspapers are all seeking to do more business online. One thing is clear while the message may be the same, the medium is different.

Social media is quicker, more intense, and direct. Like any company that trains and prepares it staff there are advantages to be had. You can choose to ignore and ban the use of Social Media in the work place or you can train your staff in how to make the best use of it.

Some ideas worth considering are:

Ask your staff what sites they use/like? – These could be the places where you should be advertising, or maybe have an online presence.

Encourage participation after having set guidelines –Your Company is as good as its employees, if they interact online than it can be used as effectively as free publicity.

Encourage employees to share their experiences – Gives insight into the company.

Managers as bloggers – Open up a different form of communication in managing departments. Want to find out more. Here is the fictional account of what Social Media manager does, read it here:

Here is a good example of how social media has helped one business in the travel industry Mark Hayward sums up his answer to how social media has helped business by the following below:

How do I think social media can help (really) small businesses? Pretty much the same way social media can assist large business and mega-corporations:

  • promotion
  • networking
  • branding
  • as catalyst for collaboration

What other ones would you include here?

Answer – How effective is Social Media?

This is one answer to a bunch of questions that I posted here on social media, more answers to follow to that post in the future.

First the easiest way to answer this question; How effective is Social Media? is to demonstrate it:

Go to Google and type in: How effective is social media?

Google doing what it does best comes back with a nice varied selection of articles. From the good side to the bad side and the ugly of course.

On the good side you have

Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester Research recently met experts in the field to discuss how effective social media is in a recession

Article here:

On the bad Side:

Social media “struggling for effective metrics” Just what is success and how do you measure it click here for the article

And the ugly:

Leon Apel makes a case that all the time and effort may not be worth it:

Article here:

There are many other results on the page that are worth looking at, this is just my selection.

I posted the same question in this forum: