Tag Archives: green

How Green is Your Distribution?

Name and Shame

One way to increase profits is to make your processes leaner. In my working life I have seen some enormous changes. From goods being manufactured local to them being centralised down to one distribution hub more often than not in Hong Kong. Being Green is not just about helping the environment it is about making more money. While it seems like now that all companies are claiming green credentials. It is funny how today I came across a blatant mistake that one could put down to large corporations lack of procedure and innovoation. I am presently consulting for an Isle of Man IT company that ordered 1000 pieces memory from HP for a hard ware upgrade in preparation for a Windows Vista roll out. The memory when it arrived came on a crate. All individual packed. I am sure that HP claim to be a smart company. How can they pack each piece of memory into separate boxes. Generating higher transport cost, more packaging and more unpacking cost. Just to demonstrate this mistake 200 pieces of memory was ordered from Kingston and arrived on the same day. They were able to deliver it one small box. Saving everybody time and cost.

PS. I did actually double check if there was an option in ordering of the memory for it be delivered in one box. There was not. What are you doing?

IOD Going Green and Going Global

The IOD convention 2008 will be carbon neutral. Very interesting stuff,

This is a key part of a general drive by the IoD to champion the reduction of energy consumption throughout the organisation and it is fitting that our flagship event should lead the way in this cause. The IoD has partnered with The CarbonNeutral Company to make this happen. Activities such as travel, transportation of equipment, lighting and temperature control all produce C02 emissions. To make the event CarbonNeutral® all the C02 generated by the event will be measured and balanced out with verified, carbon-saving projects. The result is a net-zero carbon footprint.


Greed gets a green light and the effects

There is a very interesting article this month in IOD magazine about the BBC’s Apprentice, where Gary Cooper wonders what people outside Britain may think of way we do business. Of course  it is a TV show and its primary aim is to entertain. He goes on to point out that the influence of such programs may mean we are breeding ‘obsessional self interested,  a lack of loyalty and value systems that are anathema to the corporate social responsibility ethic’

Another aspect that Gary points us to is that such behaviour demonstrated on the TV is counterproductive to UK PLC. Which needs to be innovative, unconventional and original thinking on products, services and ways of doing things, rather than conformity. I do recommend the read unfortunately it is not online.