Tag Archives: isle of man

Answer: What is The Biggest Growing Age Group In Social Media?

Part of a Series from here: http://blog.wcx.me/2008/08/some-questions-about-social-and-business-media

I am lucky with this post, that my friend Sherrilynne over at www.Strivepr.com pointed me in the direction of this article. The article really says it all. While it is possible that one my think that social media’s biggest growing group is the twenty something’s or even the teens. The reality is that it is middle aged man. What a surprise Facebook for woman, Twitter for men. Surly something is wrong here Ed? What are your thoughts?

Article link here:

Center of Excellence

The Isle of Man is doing well. Part of the success that we enjoy is that we have our own hospital. A hospital that costs a million pounds a day to run. For only 80,000 people it does not represent value for money. With any small community one has to build a reputation for certain skills sets. The Isle of Man has established a financial reputation in the world market. We are also working on becoming e-gaming center. But we are lagging behind at the moment. Today’s thought is how to make our hospital more cost effective so that it could become a center of excellence in a specific medical area. As certain hospitals are known for heart surgery, children etc. Maybe the Isle of Man could become an expert in the field of dermatology?