Tag Archives: Links

The Joys Of Linking

Links make the internet, without a doubt the Internet consist of millions and millions of links. These links form the backbone of the internet and also provide a way for the major search engines to monitor which sites are more important than other ones.

How does this work?

If the main objective of your website/blog is to insure a steady stream of visitors then you are going to have to do some linking.

What are links?

Links are URLs or web addresses like this one www.workconnexions.com That can link a word to a website or the reverse.

How do you get them?

1. A visitor to your website may like what she is reading if they like it enough they may decide to put a link on their website or in a blog post to your website.

2. If you have friends that blog you can ask them to link to your website if they blog in the same topic sphere or consider it to be interesting enough?

3. Another way to generate links it to link to other peoples content they will then be able to see that you have linked and may decide to link back.

What are the best links to have?

The best links to have our from high ranking websites. Google ranks all websites from 1 to 10 with Ten being the highest. The higher the page the more valuable the link is.

Is Commenting on a blog/website Linking?

Yes if you leave a comment on a blog or on a news/web site. What you may have not be aware of is that some sites while allowing commenting, do not allow Google to follow the links. So your comment/link may well have no effect on your site. This is known as no follow. There are a number of applications that can monitor this in your browser.

After a couple months of you will be able to monitor how successful you have been by using this tool. http://www.analyzebacklinks.com/ Happy linking…. check some of my links in the link love section.

15 Amazing Interviews About Link Building

While there are numerous ways to drive more traffic to your site, one of the most effective and far-reachings ways is to link build. Link building is simply the way you get more links to your site. The more links you have, the more traffic you’ll get, the better your SEO and the further your reach.

That’s why when I found this list of interviews on Manish Pandey’s blog, I had to share them with you. I haven’t read/listened to them all yet, but those I have are top notch. And just look at the quality of people being interviewed: Lee Odden, Seth Godin, Andy Hagans, Jim Boykin, Loren Baker, Bob Gladstein, Debra Mastaler, Eric Ward…wow…it’s like a who’s-who of link strategy experts. And the interviewers, themselves, aren’t too shabby.

  1. Peter Da Vanjo interviews Fantomaster.
  2. Aaron Wall interviews Dabra Mastaler.
  3. Barry Schwartz interview with Jim Boykin.
  4. Lee Odden interviews Eric Ward.
  5. Sugarrae’s group interview on link development.
  6. Patrick Gavin interviews Loren Baker.
  7. Julia interviews Bob Gladstein.
  8. Loren Baker interviews Patrick Gavin.
  9. Aaron Pratt interviews Stuntdubl.
  10. Scottie Claiborne interviews Mike Grehan.
  11. Joe interviews Matt Inman.
  12. Glen Allsopp interviews Lee Odden.
  13. Aaron Wall interviews Andy Hagans.
  14. Dev Lakhani interviews Seth Godin.
  15. Aaron Pratt interviews Lee Odden.

So there’s a ton of great information. But what’s your own link strategy?

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