Tag Archives: Stats

Global Domain Name Statistics

The following chart represents current statistics for many of the worlds most popular domains.  Updated July 2008. Not sure why I like statistics but I do, A bit of a schocker Germany at number two.  

Domain Amount Registered Country
.com 77.170.572 Global Generic
.de 12.095.431 Germany
.net 11.709.993 Global Generic
.cn 11.439.479 China
.uk 6.941.940 United Kingdom
.org 6.905.369 Global Generic
.info 5.010.368 Global Generic
.eu 2.826.390 European Union
.nl 2.985.481 Netherlands
.biz 1.980.543 Global Generic
.it 1.546.397 Italy
.us 1.424.457 United States
.br 1.374.644 Brazil
.ch 1.169.074 Switzerland
.ru 1.337.429 Russia
.au 1.168.506 Australia
.jp 1.033.412 Japan
.fr 1.166.604 France
.ca 1.044.299 Canada
.kr 927.033 Korea
.dk 921.121 Denmark
.es 998.903 Spain
.mobi 928.394 Global Generic
.pl 1.074.755 Poland
.be 802.281 Belgium
.at 758.745 Austria
.se 741.224 Sweden
.cz 439.334 Czech
.no 390.601 Norway
.nz 336.305 New Zealand
.mx 257.465 Mexico
.pt 222.141 Portugal
.fi 182.639 Finland
.hk 164.278 Hong Kong
.tr 161.133 Turkey
.sk 158.128 Slovakia
.ie 105.054 Ireland
.lt 81.276 Lithuania

Top Page Views for July/Augusts 2008

Top pages Views for July/Augustus 2008:

It has been while since I have done this, due to a problem with my stats system, I must remember also do this on Work Connexions site. Any where here they are as chosen by you.

At number five:

How to sell a product simply but effective advice.

5. http://blog.wcx.me/2008/08/7-selling-skills-using-the-word-payment/

At number four:

All about the domain name game. My story about small domain names, ones that are easy to write like wcx.com or delight.biz

4. http://blog.wcx.me/2008/08/domain-names-what-are-they-worth/

At number three:

Simple but effective advice for page rank.

3. http://blog.wcx.me/2008/08/top-trick-to-increase-page-rank/

At number two:

How are you keeping your data safe. Explore the world of options

2. http://blog.wcx.me/2008/07/how-is-everybodies-backup-procedure-an-easy-backup-plan/

Number one is:

What sort of return do you expect from your advertising, the million dollar question


20,000 Page Views in a Single Day for Work Connexions Blogger

Work Connexions blogger Marie Claire Cooper who’s recent personal finance management guide blog post climbed in Popularity on Digg. Demonstrates the power of blogging and just what it can do for your business.

Marie-Claire Coopers blog profile: http://workconnexions.com/blog/198

Stats report: http://workconnexions.com/newsletterArchive/Stats/PageViewsDec13th2007.pdf

Digg link: http://digg.com/business_finance/4_Simple_Financial_Rules_you_SHOULD_know_before_DIVORCE
