Tag Archives: time

How much Time do you Spend reading Blogs?

Do you feel guilty if you are not regular reading of other users Blog? With all the pressures of modern day life who do you pick and choose to read? If I am totally honest I do not do as much reading as I would like. When the day eventually ends there are still things that need doing and reading when you are tired is not effective. I guess quick scan in the morning is the best bet. I tend my self to take a look around lunch time. There are couple topics or writers that I have been following recently when that has run it’s course I will then move on. Of course this question has been topically asked yesterday by Shoemoney, The most amount of comments for the least amount of work http://tinyurl.com/5h58yc It does demonstrate just how relevant blogging is or not in the wider picture.

Interesting too how collectively similar topics will be discussed in blogsphere

Design Time On Facebook And Other Sites

Lots of sites have gone through a redesign process this autumn. None more so than Mashable, and they are also hosting a debate over the new design of Facebook. It appears to have been done without users consent apparently. The bigger story is that with more than 100 million users, it means that 60 million – according to Facebook’s own numbers – still haven’t even tried the new site heading into its rollout. While one can accept the necessity for product development I am not sure if they have got it right. With a larger percentage of their users being female. Is it really necessary to make this change? Possible you run the risk of alienating your biggest market. If it isn’t broke than why fix it? What are you thoughts about the user interfaces and which are your favourite?

Catch the story here:


Winning The Argument, Saving Time, and Getting the Job Done

A fundamental key to getting the work/job done is insuring that you carry your colleagues/customers support and if your work in the public sectors then the general public too.

What is winning the argument?

If you are responsible for implementing any sort of change with in an organisation than you are going to have to convince different parties of your intentions and that the project is going to benefit them so that you can gain there support and help in implementing the project.

It is necessary with all projects to go through a consultative process and allow the people that will be effected by the change to contribute to the process. More than lightly you will face some resistance to your ideas. Your job is to demonstrate how your ideas will be effective and calm the user fears. If you are confident about project one can prepare for this by listing potential problems/fears users may have. By setting this out on paper you will be saving your self time in the future and will prepare the path for a smother transaction.

When I talk about winning the argument. I am talking about rational working through of concerns and demonstrating the effects of the concerns people may have. Some people may say that different opinions mean that both parties are right. While this may be the case with some moral issues. Implement projects has nothing to do that with that. If the goals are clearly defined. For example: The goal of this project is to implement a new security systems for five thousand employees in unobtrusive way. One would have to make decisions that insured these goals are met. While there may appear to be much scope in the process when it is refined down it is quite distinct and clear.

The end result of this, is that time is saved, you win the argument and the job gets done.

Time Management

There is nothing more true, than the expression if you want something doing give it to somebody who is busy.  Busy people get more done.


Because they are busy.

Allowing enough time will help project management and probably save a lot of stress. Rule of thumb. Add another 50 percent of what every time you have allocated. and you will get done with a smile on your face.


Web 2.0 Saving Time

Implementing projects correctly

Last night on the radio I heard a comedian joking about how women want to know what men are thinking, I can imagine that a lot of men would claim to have no idea what women are thinking. In fact his question what people are thinking can go much further. Often when we do not understand one of the first questions that we ask is what are they thinking? Communication is more than a billion dollar industry. From phones to newspapers to meetings. In short each and every one of us spend more time communicating or trying to communicate than anything else. Why is it then that so many of us get it wrong?

I am not going to pretend to have the answer to that question. A friend of my recently commented that the process of writing clarifies the brain as to exactly what the situation/problem is. There is many a time that I have wondered what is going on in the company I work for. So imagine this. A company decides that it wants to improve a process. For example it wants to reduce software support to employees and educate them at the same time. A possible approach to this problem would be to organise meetings with different departments. Send out an email asking for ideas and feedback from employees. To organise and carry out this improvement it would require a small medium seized company at least one person to project manage, someone to sort out the information, someone to analyse the information, then more meetings to discuss the findings. Eventually you would have a recommendation that can be debated all over again. If by the end of this process there is still the will to implement it, you have truly done well. Of course there is no guarantee that your solution will work at all. How can web 2.0 deal with this?

Well imagine that you set out your vision on paper, and then allow people to comment. It is incredibly simple. Each user can see what issues have been raised and add comments if necessary. The project manager can modify and direct the discussion as the project evolves. This is clear accountable communication . Returning to the question about building a help desk, it allows every problem to be logged so that there is no repeat use of time to express the same points. One can even track the time involved producing accountability for budgeting future projects. Brilliant… if only everything was that simple I would not mind what anybody else is thinking.

A different way to record and plan your Time

Most Companies implement a time recording system of what their employees do while working, so that they can budget and plan properly how long it takes to implement systems or do a piece of work. While these are proven methods to getting accurate information in your company, I would like to suggest a another alternative. What would be the effect if key people on a rotation basis had to keep a blog (diary). Private or public I think it would produce some interesting results.

In the first instance it would allow other people to understand the person.

In the second it would allow one to understand the job.

Of course for financial planning there are some limitations but so long as not everybody is doing it at once it should be fine.