Category Archives: development

Few Certainties

With the clear rise of the Trump administration and its open support for the cryptocurrency community, we have recently witnessed the issuance of the Trump meme coin just before his inauguration and its then subsequent devaluation.

Should we be surprised?

Perhaps not. So, what does this mean for digital assets?

Many people were expecting a rally at the inauguration, but they are now facing a correction.

Trump has made many promises, and now he must deliver on them. Do such actions bode well?

There are a few certainties. Occasionally, you can find patterns in the data, and all the information aligns. You can clearly see what might happen in any given situation. However, most of the time, we are either behind the curve or ahead of it, making it difficult to predict. Whatever the case, it will always carry a certain amount of risk.

Coherent Thought Processes As Demonstrated in Google Waves

It gives away no secret to observe that lawyers have their own unique discipline and approach to the resolution of legal problems.This is a key skill for any one to learn in life as a method for how they deal with things. Theoretically when you have learned such a skill you can than apply it  to other areas of your life or things you may wish yet to learn.

Training one’s mind to approach problems in a coherent manner requires first one to be aware that they are not thinking as they are communicating. The first signs of this may be surprised looks on colleagues faces when you suggest something with no clear definition on how you are arrived there. Quite often pure thinkers struggle with either too many thoughts all at once and freeze at not being able to deal with the information overload. Or they have one thought and go into such depth that they lose the context of  the thought.

A good approach is to focus on thinking coherently and be aware that one has leanings to one side or the other. It is also a state of being that one exhibits in there every day activities and does than transcend to all there actions/work one carries out.

A very good example this is the latest development from Google called waves. It exhibits all the qualities of a coherent thought pattern and the result is an amazing product that will transform the way we communicate. Combining diffused, real time communication and online blogs/wiki all into one.  Google Presents a long presentation below about it, It is well worth it.

Creating The Life You Want

I have recently been following some very interesting creative technology not involving computers/programs or such like. This technology has been pioneered by Robert Fritz. Creating the life you want is easily possible according to Robert Fritz. I am sure that many of us are familiar with the idea that what we think about we end up creating. This can apply to positive as well as negative thoughts. I was recently listening to a seminar given by Mr Fritz. Where he talked about a number of subjects. He started off by talking about how the first thing that dictators do is to ban the arts. This easily understandable as the arts represent creativity and by banning them a dictator can keep control. Another of his ideas is structural tension and we as human beings seek to resolve discrepancies in our life. Robert Fritz explains this phenomena with an example of what we see on the news. The newscaster will tell us the news and then seek to explain  it changing the news as more facts come to light. This demonstrates clearly how we like to avoid discrepancies. We want to know where we are and what we are doing. According to Robert Fritz if the newscaster was being totally honest they would say here’s the news and we have no idea how it happened.

One of the many concepts that Robert Fritz talks about is the inner and outer of self and how we experience life on these two levels. Our outside experience of life can be very different from the inside one. We can be experiencing difficulty in our life and yet be surrounded by peace and tranquillity. The outside experience is dictated by events going on in the world. The inside experience we can determine for ourselves. By focusing on things that are truly important to us we create the kind of experience and world that we would like to live in. As we become familiar with these concepts and the creative process in the  inside world it is safe to assume that that experience will permeate to our outside world.

I have been a familiar with the work of Robert Fritz for over 20 years now. Starting off with his DMA technology. I do recommend to read some of his books and familiarise yourself with his work.

Learn To Keep Your Ego In Check

One of the hardest things as an entrepreneur is to believe enough in your idea to do it, but not so much that overpowers everything else. I came across interesting article that expresses this sentiment exactly.

“Ego also gives entrepreneurs the confidence to sell their start-ups to partners, customers, and investors, and the courage to act like famous international CEOs even when they know they really are just playing a role. And ego is the force that allows entrepreneurs to get comfortable with their powerlessness and learn to love the word “no” instead of panicking in the face of it.

On the other hand, when allowed to run amok, ego keeps entrepreneurs from knowing what they don’t know and tempts them to believe their own press. Ego is also the culprit when entrepreneurs cling to their role as founder rather than turning their companies over to more capable managers. And ego is to blame when entrepreneurs can’t work with odd people who are clearly smarter than they are, or when they fail to remain calm and gracious in all business situations.”

To read more visit:

The Plus and Minus of Groups

Why join a Group?

To share an interest, discover more about something? There are hundreds of groups from writers to sport fans all blogging on the internet. There are groups within groups such as Face book, and than for example the David Bowie group page. There you have a public and private group. You could just join David Bowie website group instead of the facebook group. Interesting!

What can you add to a group?

What do you expect from a group?

What groups are worth pursuing? Is there communication within the group? Do they achieve anything?

How can you tell?

First know what you want from the group and than start by asking questions.

Content Is No Longer King, It Is Who You Know Offline

I have been thinking for a while how to differentiate ones self from the super competitive internet market. The closely held maxim that content is king deserves to be re-examined.

I have recently been doing a lot of research and study into Law. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the amount of information on the internet relating the subject is more than sufficient. In this academic study where there is little commercial interest and expertise in generating Law content, I found the internet has more than enough sources.

My bet is that if you created a website which is well written and has truly informative content, you may have already missed the boat. This is purely in regards to search engine traffic and becoming an authoritative source on the internet.

Go any to any search engine and type in these words; blogging, How to blog, biz development, I would be very surprised if any blogger came on the first page except possibly A listers, or a blog that has been around for some considerable time.

There is no hard or fast solution here, first it is important to get to the facts.

It is no longer possible with millions of pages being created on the internet for Google to index yours at the top.

We must ask ourselves some questions:

If a tree falls in a forest with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?

My own suggestion is that we possibly have to start moving to a more local applied use of blogging and use of information on the internet.

For example, small offline groups/communities in your particular area brought online by people they know. It is so much more interesting when you have met the person. You may than be able to gauge your audience and ultimately interact much better. So in my case it would a sales/business development that I would find and bring it online. Connecting to local people.


Microsoft Has Lost Its Way

It all looked rosy back at the beginning of 2007. The long awaited Vista was hitting the shelf’s along with office 2007. Companies all over the world accepted that they would be upgrading, that was the plan. Microsoft’s dominance of the software market was truly supreme. The success of the past 15 years had brought Microsoft to the very top. Could it go wrong with so much money and design excellence? Nobody was talking about the possibility.
There were signs though. Google clearly had plans for the office market on the internet, they saw the future. They realised that there was a large market out there that just wanted to be able to use a computer without any installation problems or blue screens. Google realized the plans that they could solve these problems by hosting the applications themselves. It was totally different business model. The key to any successful product is that it does what is says on the box. Microsoft did it just about if you did not mind investing a couple days of your time and employing technician to set it up. Google went better, and not just a little bit.

It was the simple things first that I noticed. There spell checker was really poor not only did it not recognise certain words in office 2007 but the application was slow. It was so big that you needed at least gigabyte of memory to run it and even then it was bulky. If I wanted the spelling for a word I would Google it. If I wanted calculator I could Google it. If I wanted a currency exchange figures, yes I would Google it. Google worked first time.

I have been long term fan of MS outlook too, but recently I have stepped over to Gmail. Following so many of my colleagues, the product just works. Vista is much the same experience after having used it for almost 2 years, it does not impress me. Fundamentally it does not really do anything else that XP did, at least for office user. But it does use a lot more resources to do it, 4 times more processing power, memory, and hard disk space.

Kinks in Microsoft’s armoury are starting to show and big company related history is repeating its self. What do you think?