Advertising by its very nature is about standing out and getting your message across. If you find that your market share is dropping or your sales is going down, you can do what you have done before to remedy the situation. Or you can develop your business with a new idea and seize the initiative. It would appear when we are talking about new ideas in British politics the conservatives are leading. Why is this? Because they embraced a new idea, the fact that the Labour party have copied it… will not help Labour at all.
If you want new business you have to do new things.
Comments copied from Wcx.
Be different is that synonymous with choice. One seize does not fit all.
Posted by Leo on 12/10/2007 10:21:03
I like sheep…(Not that much and no I don't have wellington boots!)… but I don't want to be one. Let's try to be different. We only live once.
Posted by Gary Edwards on 10/10/2007 22:56:46
Not sure who I should copy…..I think it is harder for virtual businesses. Of course you have competitors to eBay but does anyone know who they are. (yahoo)
Posted by Leo Cussons on 10/10/2007 18:22:11
Magpie Chancellor
Sometimes you do just have to copy your competition. Just ask the folks at Burger King, Hertz and Pepsi. 🙂
Posted by Sherrilynne Starkie on 10/10/2007 18:07:39