Tag Archives: life

Fear that is Unknown

It is often said but frequently forgotten. ‘There is nothing to fear’. I am regularly amazed at how many fears people have. Of course when one examines it and breaks it down there is very little to fear. Many of our actions our predetermined from past experience. Understanding this is only of value if we can stop and see it for what it is.

More importantly when we notice this moment, these have the potential to be the most exciting moments of our life. Providing the fear is unfounded.

Life Changes and Develops

Often in life, and more than people would like to admit it, relationships change.

People disagree and things that once blossomed, wither and die, and other things develop. Sometimes it is possible to revive these things and sometimes it is not. It is a part of lifes cycles.

We can make things easier for ourselves or we can make them difficult. How simple it all is and yet how difficult we make it.

An acquaintance once told me that the secret to running a business is insuring that you make more right decisions then wrong ones.