Tag Archives: profiles

MyBlogLog Profiles Going Dynamic

It appears the innovative Mybloglog  has come up with a new concept of not just tracking peoples blogs & websites but also tracking there activity on different web 2.0 platforms like Digg, Proppeller, Last FM, I quite like the idea, not quite sure how it will work in reality, but it will certainly see some activity.

As they tell for themselves: 

“In a couple weeks, we’ll be launching a new feature called New with
Me. This feature will use the URLs on the Services tab of your
MyBlogLog profile to aggregate your latest activity on sites such as
Twitter, Last.fm, Digg, and YouTube. As a result, your profile page
will look different – publicly available updates from the services
you have listed will be merged with your existing information. Your
latest Flickr photos, Last.fm tracks, and YouTube videos, will all be
in one place. Updates from your contacts on MyBlogLog will be merged
and available as well. Simply put, the New with Me feature will
transform your static profile into a dynamic one.”

Here is a list of the web 2.0 accounts that I use feel free to contact me through any of them.


Newsvine : lcusssons

Plime : WconnexionsX

Plugim : WconnexionsX

Reddit : Workconnexions

Digg : Cussons

Proppler : WConnexionsX

Only Wire : WconnexionsX

Shoutwire : WconnexionsX

MarkTD : WconnexionsX