Tag Archives: trust

What to do When Agreements are Broken

Apart from pulling out his toenails and suggesting that the go and visit a shrink for trust issues, there are quite number of things one can do…..

1. First you can inform friends and colleagues that he has gone loopy.

2. You can ask if he has any written signed agreements to back up his claim on why he should be breaking the agreement.

3. You can tell him that he is breaking the law and causing financial lost which would make the company unable to pay any monies due to him.

4. Inform him that software piracy is just as serious crime as theft.

5. Not working with people has never helped any one.

6. Send him a legal letter…

7. Telling him that he is an asshole and hope that he pays heed.

8. Tell him that it is unfashionable for dictatorships, and democracy is the new thing.

9. Keep your humour and sense of judgement.

 That is far as I have got, anybody got any more to add……..

Do You Trust The Internet?

Yesterday I came across to two glaring examples of misinformation. One was on the News vine site where someone had posted a story about presidential hopeful Obama. Without wanting to focus on the story as it has been removed It was quite clearly unfounded. But it does show how important it is that we remember the old motto believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see. Of course a web 2.0 social community will provide some form of control and editorship in place of where you may have a lone blog spouting misinformation.  
That is the problem in general with speculation, rumour and the internet. There is an awfully lot of information out there that probably is not correct but we have no idea how much. The number of dodgy e-commerce businesses that I have seen is really amazing. All sold by promises that they can never hope to achieve. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is on the internet. If there is none of the usual tracking methods such as feedback, users comments, transaction history then be very suspicious.