- New post: How much Time do you Spend reading Blogs? (http://workconnexions.com/node/551) #
- New post: Culture and Negotiation (http://workconnexions.com/node/552) #
- New post: Management (http://workconnexions.com/node/553) #
- New post: Craigend Dental Practice (http://workconnexions.com/node/554) #
- am looking for less than 1 percent of that, maybe i should raise the bar http://tinyurl.com/6ncfj5 #
- Just been updating my rss reader I really should have moved to google along time ago.. #
- Just added my twitter Rss feed to my reader too now that is really cool, now I have it all in one place, I feel there is a blog post there #
- I am sure everyone does it differently RSS readers, something for my speaking engagement possible this Saturday #
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