- @sherrilynne He he, way to go. #
- @ejacqui It is 9.00 am in the Isle of Man now. #
- @Law62b35 I didn’t know you were in sales, I thought it was law. #
- Who is going to be my 100 follower #
- I can not figure out who is my hundredth follower, I have not received any email from twitter so I can not congratulate. pity ! #
- @yarostarak wow 🙂 #
- @ScottBradley Great idea, all we need is our local ariline on twitter flybe – may be that would have saved euromanx? #
- @yarostarak Wow 🙂 #
- @ScottBradley Thanks Scott, it is real good feeling that so many people are interested in what I am doing #
- New post: A Ton of Resources in One Place for Making Money Online (http://workconnexions.com/node/663) #
- @leahculver it is the end of the business day here, but good morning 🙂 #
- @ScottBradley Now thats marketing and internet presence and gives me an idea. #
- Pownce looks pretty interesting, Pity it is not twitter. Seriously though. #
- Need to do some batch seo processing. just not tonight. Good night all. #
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