- @tango2 interesting stuff. #
- Over deliver and you always get more back… #
- Temparature is and down to day. Work is only going one way though… #
- How is it possible this can have http://tinyurl.com/cqysh half million users and I have never heard of it? #
- Am I on the wrong social network? #
- I just added my blog to SocialSpark – http://tinyurl.com/3soasn #
- New post: Electronic simulations and workplace applications (http://workconnexions.com/node/665) #
- I just added ddschroeder18 as a friend in SocialSpark – http://tinyurl.com/6b8yyp #
- @VanessaJupe wow 🙂 #
- I am going to do some seo work for that competition on wcx #
- I work far too twisted, it is the problem of a rounded desk, time for tea! #
- @jeetblog Good night #
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