- New Week My first cup of coffee for three days! :-0 #
- @cjus Thanks just seen your comment now. Twitter delay. #
- New post: What kind of friend are you? (http://workconnexions.com/node/701) #
- A rude awakening today, just what I need on a Monday. #
- Off to look at socks, lots of them. #
- New post: Mobile phones cause HIV-Aids (http://workconnexions.com/node/702) #
- New post: FRIENDS PROVIDENT INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATES 30TH ANNIVERSARY (http://workconnexions.com/node/703) #
- Off for a run and then to pick Joshua up from Karat ha-sew 🙂 #
- Welcome Gerry, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein #
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