Category Archives: Websites

Leo’s Top Five

Some of the best posts out and about on the internet.

Mathew Stibbe at bad language blog reminds us of the importance of a consultant and why we would hire one.

Darren Rowse post about growing anticipation in your writing is a great read.

Aaron over SEO debates the pros and cons of affiliate marketing.

I love the design of this website and I am not the only one in the short time it has been live it has grown to readership of 3000.

The innovative face book has managed to get their users to translate face book into other languages. I have got to admire it.

Content, content, content.

There are a lot of companies on the internet that would like to promote your website. Costs vary from £1,800 to 100,000+ For the novice web entrepreneur or newbie in the internet business it is a very comforting thought that you can pay SEO companies to increase visitors to your site. All these companies offer legitimate services using ad words, link building, tag optimisation , etc. (As we do too, the only difference with us is you just pay an hourly rate).

The main key to increasing traffic to your website and maintaining that traffic is content. If customer x goes to website y and likes the website he will most likely come back to look some more. If it is a static website with no changeable content chances are the site will not receive a second visit. Once they have read the four pages of information (about us, who we are, what we do, where we are, etc) they are not going to go back. The same applies if the content is very well written, comparable to a novel, even then they would be unlikely to; Who of us likes to read our book while sitting behind a computer? Something which leads me to a significant minor point that any website would not do themselves any harm to have a few PDF’s that people can download and print and read while they are sitting on their comfortable sofa drinking a cup of tea.

Almost daily I receive confirmation that there are any number of good ideas for business. A good idea is not enough by its own, it takes dedication, skill, demonstration that company x is good enough to get my business. Which is why ,the tools of web 2.0 are so important (blogging, forums, commenting, etc) The market is changing. A well written CV with a few qualifications and a pleasant smile used to be enough to get a job. Nowadays companies can research each applicant. If you have not written content to backup what you are doing, it is going to be very hard to achieve your goals. This used to be achieved by articles in the printing media. It is now available to every one on the internet. In the form of a profile and a blog . (Wcx, this company offers Wc3 legal compliant blogs and profiles) On the plus side by writing a little bit about what you do will have its own personal benefits, company benefits and will probably save you a few thousand quid.

Changing of World Media

New Media, there has been some discussion about this on the internet and it is clear that Newspapers, music, film, magazine are all changing. The changes that begun in the nineties are now coming to fruition. Media will never be the same again. Read Seth’s blog post here about what he predicted. . If you tie this in with mobile phones it is going to be a very different world. Maybe even more exciting than the Roman Empire.

Generation X & Y the Internet Consumers

When we started this business, we made a strategic decision to concentrate on the Isle of Man. The very fact that it is an Island led us to the thought that e-commerce for its residents would be important. As the islanders here have 41 miles of sea in front of them the market is limited. To anybody wanting to increase their business e-commerce would seem to be a very logical way forward. Additionally the Isle of Man government is pushing e-commerce as one of its development strategies.

The reality is quite different. Many small businesses only depend upon the Island for making a living. Being that the community is quite small everybody knows what everybody else is doing. We have spent quite a bit of time and money on informing people on the changing use of the web. I am quite certain that within the next 18 months web 2.0 is going to play a more central role for all businesses. If I was to sum it up in a few words. It would be like this. If you want to reach generation X and before (under 35’s) then you have got to be thinking internet and web 2.0. If your market is above that generation then more traditional forms of advertising would apply. What do we have to do to increase our market? Inform the generation above X.

E-mail Signatures and stamps

Quite often I get asked where do I come from. It is one of those conversation starters. Especially nowadays, as we can do business with everyone in the world, or least have the potential to.

All too often I wonder where does this person live? We might know that they are based in America, but where? There over 50 states, each one at least 3 times bigger than the UK….. The outcome of such thoughts is that I have taken to adding a signature to the bottom of my email. Stating that we are a Manx company. A bit like James Brown really “say it loud I am black and I am proud”. Seriously I do have a slight nostalgia for post marks. I could always tell from the postmark if it was a letter from a loved one and more importantly where they were. On the other hand I am glad that we do not have to pay postage for each email that we send. I am averaging over 20 emails a day at current rates that would be £5.60 and quite a few trips to the post office. 

Put a Post Mark on your email and say where you are sending it from……